Monthly Archives: February 2021


7 Types of Wedding Dresses in Kenya

Congratulations! You got engaged!  Now you have to find the perfect wedding dress in Nairobi. Many women dream of the day they walk down the aisle and the picture they see is one of the most stunning ladies in the most beautiful wedding dress. On your wedding day, you want to look and feel like the most beautiful lady in the world and you’d want to have a wedding dress that brings out your personal style and best flatters […]


6 Factors to Consider When Buying a Wedding Dress in Nairobi, Kenya

Picture this; your wedding day is approaching fast, you have booked your ideal wedding location, made all the reservations and bookings, but have not found THE dress yet. It can be really discouraging. Many brides-to-be picture an amazing time shopping for and fitting different wedding dresses in Nairobi, getting to know about trendy wedding dress styles etc. I mean which lady would not like to spend the entire day trying on beautiful clothes? In all honesty, wedding dress shopping can […]