Choosing a Wedding Venue in Kenya (COVID-19)


Picking a wedding venue is a huge deal for any couple. If you are like many couples, this may be the most daunting task as you prepare for the big day. While it all comes down to your personal preference, it is imperative to consider several things before making that final decision. Will your wedding be outdoors or indoors? Big or small? Glamourous? Rustic? Can you find a venue that is affordable and convenient? And, does the venue comply with the recent Kenya COVID-19 guidelines? As you ponder on these questions, there are specific important factors that you need to consider before choosing an intimate wedding venue in Kenya.

  1. What is your budget?

Financing for a wedding can be extremely difficult. You might have different funding sources, and the money might seem enough for all planned activities. However, if you are not good at preparing and planning a comprehensive budget that includes how much you need to spend on a space, then expect several challenges as you near your wedding day. Realistically, your venue and catering will comprise more than half of your wedding budget. How much you will spend will generally depend on whether you want to rent a venue in a major city or rural area. For example, wedding venues in Nairobi are relatively more expensive compared to those in the outskirts. Talk to your partner and wedding planner about this, determine the total budget, divide the number by half-; at least you can start from here.

  1. What is your estimated guest count?

All wedding venues in Kenya have a capacity limit. It is generally a decisive number of guests who can be hosted at the place. Usually, this number is not flexible, especially in light of the current COVID guidelines where only 50 guests are allowed to be a predetermined venue. You do not need to come up with an exact number of visitors, but you should have a good estimate. Have a sitting with your partner and come up with a list of guests from respective families. The last thing you would want is to like a wedding venue with a capacity limit of 250 people only to find out it can hold 200 guests.

  1. What are your priorities?

Once you have an accurate budget, a location, and an estimated guest count, it is time to start thinking about what your dream venue should look like. Some people would want to have their wedding on a beach, others in a cathedral. Have discussions with your partner or wedding planner, and chose features that you believe are ideal for the location. The possibilities are endless, and you will find out that both your priorities are different. It is best to come up with a venue research spreadsheet where you can track everything you have found out. This will help you to organize yourself better and review everything without losing your mind.

As you consider all these aspects, you need to get your venue booked 12-18 months in advance. Remember to pay a visit to every site you have narrowed down, especially wedding venues in Nairobi and other big cities. An in-person visit allows you to tour the place, decide if it’s the right fit for the big day, and make comparisons with other places.

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